Sunday, February 20, 2011

A cup of life

I have been reflecting lately that friendships and family are like cups. Over time, we collect a motley set. Occasionally, we clear a few cups out, or they get broken. Irretrievably. Some can be patched together, bearing their scars with fragility. Others not.

A few friendships are like precious, fine china cups. Delicate. Great care is taken. They are looked after. Travel with you wherever you go. Family seem to me like sturdy pannikins. No amount of hard wear and tear changes their essential reliable character. An important part of any kit of cups.

Some friendships are like the mugs you have at work. Important for a time, but not the kind of friendship that really lasts the test of time. A good mug of its time, for its time.

Occasionally I strive to get my collection of cups at home all alike. Whites of various hues and textures was my latest futile endeavour. But then someone gives you a mug that you can't bear to throw away. Or there is the precious cup and saucer in eggshell blue that I love for no particular reason. Any attempt to make all my cups the same is really just striving to achieve some Vogue Living ideal. For show only, without any integrity in purpose. Just like life, I embrace my motley cups and enjoy them in all their wonderous diversity.

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